Would you like to download the How to Draw The Earth Step by Step printables? You're just one step away! Sign up now and download the 4 PDF Printables for FREE!
We have all probably drawn the earth in our science or geography class. Some of us enjoyed drawing it, some of us did not. The earth is easy to draw, but it is understandable why some people did not like doing so. It is not the shape, but mostly the landmass that created problems. You should now that you need not keep things so accurate. A rough sketch will do just fine. In case you are wondering how so, you can check out my earth drawing tutorial.
To draw the earth, start with a perfect circle. Take help of a compass if you need it. Then start adding the land as you like. You need not do anything at a fixed scale. Finally, color the drawing, and you are done.
Keep it perfectly round.
Scribble a few lines.
Continue adding land.
You are basically drawing the continents here.
You know what to do.
Keep the eyes closed. Show only the eyebrows.
Show the earth smiling.
Do only the upper part of the mouth.
Just a few more steps.
Use a dark pencil for this.
The drawing is complete. Time to color the earth.
Jimena & Iñigo
The Navarro-Rubios
My husband and I are learning how to draw and paint. We wanted to share this learning process with the world and have fun! That's why we created this blog. We'll have drawing contests every week and you'll decide who won that week! Follow along and learn with us!
1. Trace the picture:
2. Coloring picture:
3. Finished Printable:
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