Would you like to download the How to Draw A Deer Head Step by Step printables? You're just one step away! Sign up now and download the 4 PDF Printables for FREE!
The deer is a majestic creature. It has some amazing body features, especially on its head. From its facial expressions to its horns, everything about a deer’s head is truly magical. That being said, drawing a deer head can be difficult. But if you follow the right techniques, and take a step by step approach to the whole process, you can get it done with absolute easy.
For drawing a deer head, we start with the main outline, and then add the deer’s eyes and ears. Next, we move on to its fur, and then to its horns. Once all these details have been worked out, we start coloring our deer and give it a realistic appearance.
The head is drawn in the shape of an acorn.
The fur is drawn under the head.
The years are slightly long and wide.
The eyes are drawn oval in shape with pointy ends.
Draw the nose and mouth under the eyes and in the middle of the head.
Keep drawing and adding necessary details. You are doing great.
Draw the long horn on the right side of the paper.
This one goes at the back, on the right.
This horn is drawn on the left side of the deer.
Add the final horn in the back of the left side.
Use a sharp pencil to work out the depth in the drawing.
Finish your artwork by coloring the deer head.
Jimena & Iñigo
The Navarro-Rubios
My husband and I are learning how to draw and paint. We wanted to share this learning process with the world and have fun! That's why we created this blog. We'll have drawing contests every week and you'll decide who won that week! Follow along and learn with us!
1. Trace the picture:
2. Coloring picture:
3. Deer Head Step by Step Printable:
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